Support & Empower Local Brands

Shortlisting criteria

  • Geographic Location: Priority to brands from Karnataka.
  • Founder's Background: Brands founded by individuals from low-income backgrounds, women, or underrepresented communities
  • Product Sourcing: Sourcing of materials or ingredients from local, small-scale suppliers or follow sustainable practices.
  • Business Age and Size: Priority to newly established or small-scale businesses.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Brands with innovative solutions or adaptability in the face of limited resources.
  • Community Impact: Brands' positive impact on their local community, such as job creation or social initiatives.
  • Authenticity and Heritage: Brands that preserve traditional recipes, formulation, cultural heritage, or local knowledge.
  • Financial Inclusion: Brands that lack access to traditional funding channels or have limited financial resources to market their brand.
  • Digital Divide: Favor brands with limited online presence or digital marketing capabilities.

Mandatory documents to be submitted along with the nomination form

  1. Certificate of incorporation of the company
  2. PAN card of the company
  3. PAN card of the founders
  4. GST certificate of the organisation
  5. MSME certificate of the organisation
  6. Last 2, years financial statement and IT filing
  7. FSSAI certificate
  8. Lab tested certificate (if any)